Rudd versus Abbott: Round 1

For the record, I live-tweeted the Rudd vs Abbott debate...

  • Looking forward to some political blood sport today. I predict: Abbot provokes and antagonises; Rudd gets a bit flustered and waffles.
  • Seconds out, round 1- lets get ready to rrrrrrrumble!
  • Its says Kevin Rudd *&* Tony Abbott...shouldn't it be *vs*?
  • "The topic is large, the time is short...its the prime minister to open the batting" Like your style @CUhlmann
  • (Feel worm-deprived watching ABC on Windows Media feed at desk...)
  • "Funded nationally, run locally" for the second time...OK got it Kevin
  • Abbott aggressive straight out of the traps...he's like a savage pitbull. Play the ball not the man Abbott
  • Abbott makes a good point - Rudd's plan is only a percentage shift in funding. Not an extra doctor or nurse before 2014
  • "I'm at a terrible disadvantage in this debate 'cos I'm not capable of waffling for 10 minutes" says Abbott. Are you sure Tony?
  • "This is just an opportunity to score political points" says @lyndalcurtis, well derrr
  • Abbott's getting all the headlines, but the worm hates him. Who wins? Rudd has the moral high ground IMHO
  • "First new nurse, first new bed?" great cutting-to-the-quick question from @cUhlmann
  • This is so the-cool-kid-at-the-back-of-the-class vs the-teacher's-pet-at-the-front - smart arse cracks vs dull but factual
  • No...your objective Tony is to get as many votes as you can!
  • RT @stemcd: If Rudd really wanted to see Abbott's health policy, he could call a double dissolution
  • Good strategy from Rudd - lets be positive and constructive instead of negative and a no-merchant
  • Ouch! PM - did you get more political bang for your buck by putting stimulus in schools instead of in hospitals?
  • I'm not sure its true that Abbott did pull $1billion out of health system; but Rudd could have put more in via stimulus
  • LOL RT @SamTaunton: RT @craigreucassel: Rudd refuses to look at Abbott. He must remind him of Kristina Keneally.
  • Its into extra-time! Will it goes to penalties, and how does that work?
  • I think all this debate has proved is that Rudd is the dullest politician on the block and Abbott is the maddest!
  • LOL... RT @annabelcrabb ...nappy change rendered necessary by my newborn's instinctive response to the Abbott cackle...
  • Abbott: "nothing much will change" under Rudd. But at least he's said what he'll do, we've no idea at all what Abbott will do
  • My prediction this morning was correct: "I predict: Abbot provokes and antagonises; Rudd gets a bit flustered and waffles."

For more, search for #npchealth for all the Twitter reaction...