Leaves of Grass

"The balance needed for a happy life is illusory "

So occasionally you see a film blind, with absolutely no information, opinion or judgement.  It is rare, because almost always someone has led you to believe it is good or bad.  Or you've read a review, or seen it on television, or heard it on the radion.  You've usually formed a perception of a film.  Well, I managed to watch this having never heard of it and having only the blurb on the jacket to go by. I loved it.  You rarely get such a surprise in life as this when it comes to movies.

"Leaves of Grass" stars someone I think is quickly become the new John hurt.  John Hurt is such a good choice of script, you know that if he decided to do it, it's going to be good.  Ed Norton is the same.  Everything he is in is remarkable -  Kingdom of Heaven The Illusionist, American History X, Fight Club and 25th Hour - and this is no exception. I knew I was going to enjoy it from the opening scene (kookily with Danny De Vito's daughter!). 

Well leaves of grass is another one of those for me.  A quite marvelous movie that could have been written and directed by my favorite movie makers - the Cohen Brothers.  But wasn't.  Was actually written and directed by Tim Blake Nelson, one of the co-stars. It's about philosophy, crime, drugs, happiness, romance and it's all set amusingly in Oklahoma. 

I fell for Kerri Russell's character almost as fast as Mr Norton's did, and the cameos from Susan Sarandon and Richard Dreyfuss - two of my favourite actors - are fabulous. 

To get a movie to hit all the buttons is rare, but this one does it.  It's funny, but has danger.  It is romantic, but is dark in places.  It is thought provoking, and makes you consider - as the jacket says: "what does it truly mean to be happy?". But most of ll it has really enjoyable characters that you wish you could meet and visit.  Watch this film, and watch it soon! 

"when death is, we are not; when we are, death is not. It is therefore irrational to fear death."