On the wagon...

"My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them. "
Winston Churchill

I signed up for Dry July - foregoing alcohol for a month for charity.   No minor charity either: The Cancer Unit of the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney. You wouldn't think it would be so hard would you?

Actually, while its been tough, certainly not easy, and of course boring; it's not exactly been an ordeal *.  It's ridiculous of course that any of this is serious self- denial. I have a decanter of whiskey and a rack of wine at home and never have I been seriously tempted. We aren't talking about a key nutrient. It's not major deprivation. I mean, this isn't a hunger strike. If you deprived a prisoner of alcohol, it wouldn't be considered a human rights abuse. It's not even a diet.

In fact, there have even been some benefits. The hangovers.  Haven’t missed those obviously.  I have lost a tad of weight, and people keep telling me I’m looking well.  I’m on top of my laundry.  I’ve saved money.  I’ve done some exercise.  I've even developed a taste for ginger beer!

Aside from an intense feeling of dullness, an exceptionally sweet tooth and a noticeable lack of blog inspiration...I think I've survived.  I didn't completely lock myself up either.  I did go to the "footy"...and drank tea.  Went to a gig...and drank lemonade.   Have done a lot of driving.

So why the big deal?  Well there is something really important missing.

It's only when you aren’t having any of it that you realise how much of daily life revolves around alcohol. Not just involves, but entirely revolves around. In fact, I more or less cancelled my social life for a month. (Or rather it cancelled me!)  When you get together with people in Australian society, you tend to do it in a pub or a bar - at least for many people I think.  Even if you visit someone’s home  it's usually got  a glass of wine or beer involved. People get together around the BBQ or in the park- grog.  Dinner = wine.  A drink before a film...a drink after a film.  You can even drink to waste time while you wait for someone.  

Being a T-totaller in this country must be an incredible challenge. (Afterall it's the Official currency of the Beer Economy, apparently) Its not alcohol thats the temptation, its other people.  If everyone overnight gave up alcohol, not having it would be easy. Even 'designated drivers' have a couple of drinks.   Fact is, it's the way we celebrate life. It's ingrained. When you get together with someone, you celebrate their company.  When you eat together you celebrate the food.  Birthdays, weddings, births.  We even celebrate the mere fact that it's Friday!  Every significant event in life is celebrated with a drink.  It's how we say “HURRAY!"

So it struck me that this is an appropriate sacrifice in sympathy with those for whom this effort is in aid of; who apart from everything else, probably don’t get to celebrate as much anymore.  And that’s sad.

So for them please take the time to sponsor me - thank you.  And next time you take a drink, drink to their health.

Go to: https://www.dryjuly.com/profile/garethllewellyn

*Disclaimer:  On the 2nd July I did take a “Golden Ticket” (for the price of $25 to charity) for a long-planned celebration of  my recent 40th birthday with very close friends who weren’t in town for it.  Not had a drop since, and...haven't really said "HURRAY" a lot either.  Kind of proves my point.