LOL: Grow Your Own

I just had to share this - the loudest I've laughed out loud for a long time.  But I guess in typical fashion, you might have had to be there - i.e. watch the film.  So I'll try and set the scene.

Grow Your Own is...well, I actually think its best described by a reviewer on the IMDB site:

"Wow! A genuinely funny and moving film that lingered in my head for days. Probably the most unsexy list of ingredients to make a movie from - gardening, immigration, telephone masts - but it links all these plots with an amazing cast of characters who it is impossible not to care for." 

I really don't think I could do a better job of summing it up than that.  Delightful film and all along I thought its a perfect example of that genre of English Indie movie like Full Monty, Brassed Off, Happy Go Lucky and in fact any number of Mike Leigh movies.  Jolly black comedies with deep characters, tremendous dialogue, tight plotlines and those kind of bittersweet moments that can move you quite profoundly.

As the reviewer said, who could imagine a more unlikely combination than immigration and allotments to make for a successful yarn.

However, to share the gag I have to ruin a little bit of a one of the sub-plots - so please forgive me.  But it involves an African woman who's husband appears to be missing, feared dead, and she's waiting for word.  Anyway, there's a very moving scene where the lost husband - who obviously got seperated from her in refugee mayhem - reappears and comes to find her with flowers.  After a brief reunion cuddle, she stares teary-eyed into his eyes and says in her exotic French-Saharan accent:

"I thought you were dead."

And he replied, with a huge grin, "I am not dead.  I was in Leicester".

If you've ever been to Leicester, you will understand how the two could be confused!